Thursday, September 10, 2009

Presidential Influence

With the outrage and concern going on about Obama’s address to the school children, I was trying to decide the best way to respond to the situation. Once the propaganda portion of the whole “show” was dropped I figured that there were enough people on watch that the message to the schools would have to be pretty benign and therefore wasn’t overly concerned about what Obama was going to say. Besides, they listen to talk radio (not by choice mind you – driver gets to pick) and they hear me yell at the radio and TV enough that we end up talking about politics and cause and effect of policies with some frequency.

When Rylee got home yesterday I asked her if Obama talked to her class, she said “No I think they may have recorded him and will maybe play him tomorrow.” (I’m chuckling here at her casual disregard - like he’s a cartoon character or something)

Then I asked Morgan, who off the cuff said, “No. Actually, yes, he said ‘Come on kids, raise some money. Pay off the debt . . .”

I love it! And for those of you out of the political loop – no that’s not what he actually said (and no, they didn’t “play” him at her school either), because we all know that paying off the debt is not really one of his priorities. However, I love that she can see some of the bigger picture!


Kristin and Jay said...

very nice. I am suprised Morgan didn't say something to the effect Obama was nominating Glen Beck for something or another, with the talk radio she frequently hears....

Alissa said...

Glad to see you back in the world of bloggers. Your girls rock. Can't wait to see what kind of cool attitude this next one slings out!