Sunday, April 22, 2007

"I Solemnly Swear I am Up to No Good!"

Emily is obviously our hot topic this week, as she is all about being an independent two year old. After being home with her most of the day on Saturday Daniel stated, “She is into everything today.” Morgan’s most recent line when she has something to tell a person is “I’m sorry to say, but . . .” That’s what came to mind when Daniel said this, of course. I’m sorry to say, but she’s like this most other days as well. Regardless, Saturday ended with her having been in her big sister’s jewelry, mom’s chap stick, and Taylor’s Desitin. I was suitably impressed, however, that the Desitin did go on the appropriate spot on the bunny’s bum. However, I was less impressed with the quantity on the carpet and the wall. We’ll see how well it washes out!

Sunday brought a new caper, of course. Today it was lipstick, as depicted in the picture. The funniest thing about it was when she saw her own face in the mirror. She was as proud as could be just moments before, but when we got in the bathroom she was open-mouth, horrified. She looked as if she would cry – I think she thought the “baby” in the mirror was bleeding from a nasty neck wound – and she would probably have proceeded with her melt down, but I couldn’t help laughing out loud at her expression. Now she’s cleaned up and in bed, we’ll look for a solution for getting lip stick out of her church clothes tomorrow. So for now, the line from Harry Potter comes to mind, “mischief managed!”


Amy said...

I solemnly swear that if Emily were given an infant to take care of she would do just fine. She can change a diaper; desitin/powder a bum; even "belly-button nurse"... not an easy task -- I am sure!!! Let's face it... the child is amazing ;-)

Annie said...

Yeah! I am so glad that you have a way to communicate more frequently. I love the pictures of the kids. Emily is sooo coool! I love two year olds!
I hava blog spot too, it is
How's SD?

Nield said...

That's my girl, I mean grand-girl..
It's better that she is working with pb&j than her grandpa's toast and jam... probably wouldn't want her operating the toaster oven yet.
I could use some help on my house remodel projects... maybe you can figure out a way to send little Ems to see her grandpa for the summer... I love you all, dad...

Wurtz Gang said...

Kari, I am Brittany's sister and happened upon your blog. I hope you don't mind...Try spraying WD40 on the outfit and then place it into the washer. I am also so glad to know that I am not the only one with 2 year old mischeif.-Gina

Gwen said...

Kari, you just made my day!!!! I'm so glad you guys have joined the blogging world. We miss you guys so much and it's great to see what you are all up too! Wyatt is just barely starting the "in to everything stage" Just busy, busy, busy all the's driving me crazy! I'm very impressed with Emily's independence and I'm glad you're taking pictures...the neat freakness in me has to get everything cleaned up before I get a picture taken, but I'm learning:) Keep up the blogging! We love it!!!!!

Daniel, Kari and Co. said...

Emily would probably love to do a little house work at Grandpa and Grandma's. You may be less excited by the results than the prospect, however!

Thanks for the WD40 advise "Brittany's sister." :) Does that leave a grease stain, or does it just wash out with the lipstick? I'd be curious to know before I delve in any deeper!

Gwen, after child number four "neat-freakness" will be beaten out of you - I can almost guarantee it, almost!